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Why Cycle to Work?

The Government’s ambition that cycling and walking are the natural choices for shorter journeys, or as part of a longer journey, was clearly set out in the Cycling and Walking Investment Strategy published in 2017. If we can increase levels of active travel, such as cycling, the benefits are substantial. For individuals, it means cheaper travel and better health. For businesses, it means increased productivity and increased footfall in shops. And for society as a whole it means lower congestion, better air quality, and vibrant, attractive places and communities.

The health benefits of cycling are well understood. Illness as an outcome of physical inactivity costs the NHS up to £1 billion per annum, with further indirect costs calculated at £8.2 billion.

We want to make sure that Cycle to Work schemes continue to attract new cyclists and are as inclusive as possible so that people travelling to work have the opportunity to realise the benefits that cycling affords. The scheme has involved over 40,000 employers across the country, and has contributed to help more than 1.6 million commuters to cycle to work

Schemes We Support

Go Geta Logo
Green Commute Logo
Cyclescheme Logo

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